Don't take our word for it, hear what our members have to say about the value and benefits of membership with ISHAE:
"This year’s ISHAE Conference was my first. I was delighted to receive the scholarship as I’m not sure it would have been possible for me to attend without it. I made so many useful connections and really enjoyed all of the speakers. The conference was efficiently executed and provided the perfect opportunity to meet with other state associations and learn more about their business goals and member benefits. The conference provided a lot of useful information that I know will be beneficial and aid in the success of my career success. I am grateful for the scholarship and the opportunity to be a part of such an engaging conference."
-Susannah Flanner, Director of Membership/Strategic Partnerships, Illinois Hotel and Lodging Association
"ISHAE provides a venue that is beneficial to those association execs who are newer to the association management profession or newer to their state lodging association, as well as those who are seasoned in their position. Newer execs can learn many operational and leadership tips from the others, and those more seasoned can enjoy seeing their best practices and services through fresh eyes to reinvigorate their approaches and offerings."
-Trisha Pugal, President/CEO, Wisconsin Hotel & Lodging Association